luni, 29 martie 2021

Mihaly Csijszentmihalyi -"Flow"


"As our studies have suggested, the phenomenology of enjoyment has eight major components. When people reflect on how it feels when their experience is most positive, they mention at least one, and often all, of the following. First, the experience usually occurs when we confront tasks we have a chance of completing. Second, we must be able to concentrate on what we are doing. Third and fourth, the concentration is usually possible because the task undertaken has clear goals and provides inmediate feedback. Fifth, one acts with a deep but effortless involvement that removes from awareness the worries and frustrations of everyday life. Sixth, enjoyable experiences allow people to exercise a sense of control over their actions. Seventh, concern for the self disappears, yet paradoxically the sense of self emerges stronger after the flow experience is over. Finally, the sense of the duration of time is altered; hours pass by in minutes, and minutes can stretch out to seem like hours. The combination of all these elements causes a sense of deep enjoyment that is so rewarding people feel that expending a great deal of energy is worrhwhile simply to be able to feel it."

"There is ample evidence to suggest that how parents interact with a child will have a lasting effect on the kind of person that child grows up to be. In one of our studies conducted at the University of Chicago, for example, Kevin Rathunde observed that teenagers who had certain types of relationship with their parents were significantly more happy, satisfied, and strong in most life situations than their peers who did not have such a reationship. The family context promoting optimal experience could be described as having five characteristics. The first one is clarity: the teenagers feel that they know what their parents expect from them -goals and feedback in the family interaction are unambiguous. The second is centering, or the children's perception that their parents are interested in what they are doing in the present, in their concrete feelings and experiences, rather than being preoccupied with whether they will be getting into a good college or obtaining a well-paid job. Next is issue of choice: children feel that they have a variety of possibilities from which to choose, including that of breaking parental rules- as long as they are prepared to face the consequences. The fourth differentiating characteristic is commitment, or the trust that allows the child to feel comfortable enough to set aside the shield of his defenses, and become unselfconsciously involved in whatever he is interested in. And finally there is challenge, or the parents' dedication to provide increasingly complex opportunities for action to their children.
The presence of these five conditions made possible what was called the "autotelic family context," because they provide an ideal training for enjoying life. The five characteristics clearly parallel the dimensions of the flow experience. Children who grow up in family situations that facilitate clarity of goals, feedback, feeling of control, concentration on the task at hand, intrinsic motivation, and challenge will generally have a better chance to order their lives so as to make flow possible."

"There are two words whose meanings reflect our somewhat warped attitudes toward levels of commitment to physical or mental activities. These are the terms amateur and dilettante. Nowadays these labels are slightly derogatory. An amateur or a dilettante is someone not quite up to par, [...] one whose performance falls short of professional standards. But originally, "amateur" [...] referred to a person who loved what he was doing. Similarly a "dilettante" [...] was someone who enjoyed a given activity. The earliest meanings of these words therefore drew attention to experience rather than accomplishments; they described the subjective rewards individuals gained from doing things, instead of focusing on how well they were achieving. [...] increasingly the emphasis has been to value behavior over subjective states; what is admired is success, achievement, the quality of performance rather than the quality of experience. Consequently it has become embarrassing to be called a dilettante, even though to be a dilettante is to achieve what counts most -the enjoyment one's actions provide."

sâmbătă, 20 martie 2021

Liviu Iancu -"Xanax"


"-Ia uite!!! Ce frumoooos! Ai adormit? m-a întrebat Cornel cuprins brusc de entuziasm.
-Nu. Ce-ai vãzut acolo? Si-a tras gândacul gagicã?
-Incredibil! O plãntuțã.
-Ce plãntuțã?
-A rãsãrit o plãntuță la mine în chiuvetã.
M-am dus sã vãd. Intr-adevãr, printre farfuriile murdare, neatinse de câteva sãptãmâni, îşi fãcuse loc o micã plantã verde, înaltã de un lat de palmã. O boabã de fasole încolțise în apa bãltitã din chiuvetã şi crescuse acolo, printre vasele nespãlate."

luni, 15 martie 2021

Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson -"Terra insecta"


"Ce este, mai precis, o insectă? Când ai dubii, o regulă bună e să numeri picioarele creaturii. Cele mai multe insecte dețin șase picioare, toate atașate de secțiunea din mijloc a corpului lor.
Următorul pas e să verifici dacă are aripi sau nu. Și acestea sunt atașate tot de secțiunea din mijloc. Majoritatea insectelor au două rânduri de perechi de aripi: anterioare și posterioare.
Ai descoperit deja o trăsătură esențială a insectelor: corpul alcătuit din trei părți."

"Mirosul este important pentru multe insecte, deși, spre deosebire de noi, acestea nu au nas, simțul mirosului servindu-se de antene."